Art is often a reflection of life, harsh or ugly works of art being related to the artist’s life’s difficult circumstances or general developments of society or the world at large. In Black Metal, things are a bit different. If approached correctly, this music is a reflection of the things BEYOND this life and in the case of KILL’s latest opus, that’s a really frightening thought. „Great Death“ feels like having your face beaten with a rusty rod of iron, like being curb stomped by a gang of hools. There is no mercy or empathy in KILL’s world, everything from the fantastically unpolished production to the violent riffing and inhuman vocal approach is painful, vulnerating and full of supreme contempt. And yet it belongs to the singular nature of this art form that those initiated will find a paradoxical feeling of peace and satisfaction in collapsing under this sonic assault with bleeding ears. It is a fucking dangerous beast that KILL unleash on „Great Death“, but I strongly advise you to face your worst fears and get this outstanding record. You will definitely regret it.
00 Void