Québec, Canada is the most suitable place for this icy crystal of absolutely supreme Black Metal to originate from. Listening to „Cendres Célestes“ feels like stumping through a blizzard, sight blinded by the inexorable vortex of ice and snow swirling around you incessantly. You are losing direction, turning hither and thither as millions of needles pierce your skin. But wait, is this a human figure appearing out of the endless white hell around you? Are those the outlines of a house? Glimpses of hope, but everything you try to approach or grasp dissolves into nothingness as you get closer. „Cendres Célestes" is a real gem of Canadian Black Metal, an aural manifestation of the solace found in the total absorption of the self in a terrifying yet strangely fascinating environment. The simple and tasteful artwork complements the music in a perfect way and completes one of the most coherent artistic experiences in Black Metal this year.
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