The cloaked figure on the cover seems to invite the beholder into the mysterious realms of BEHEXEN’s newest offering. Or is the sinister monk guarding the arcane secrets hidden in the cave behind him? Interestingly, the ambivalent perceptions created by contemplating the excellent artwork (by Kristiina Lehto) are mirrored in the music on „The poisonous path.“ In their own, unmistakable fashion, BEHEXEN grab your soul and pull you down into the abyss, yet never revealing the unspeakable things lurking at the very heart of their creation. Some of the melodies will force you to your knees worshiping forces you didn’t even know of upon the first listen but be assured that this is only the first step on a journey I have yet to complete myself. „The poisonous path“ is aggression, devotion and full-on fanaticism condensed to an incredibly intense storm of sound that is suffocating as much as it is glorious. Few albums have embodied the terrible fascination of Black Metal as perfectly as this one in recent times. „The cave opens its black mouth and invites me with an unknown chant.“ You better follow the voice - I definitely will.


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